Monday, April 30, 2012

The First Picnic of the Year

   By late March we were already eating lunch outdoors most days so logically it was time to take the food show on the road.
   Our lake, just a kilometre away, is almost deserted at this time of year so we knew that we could easily score a picnic table with view. We joined forces with a couple of friends, met up in the car park and spread out and shared the goodies.
   Tomatoes from the market and roquette, dandelion leaves and bittercress from the garden,
 A big Greek salad...
  A couple of hours later: the remains of a roast chicken, homemade bread, roasted red and yellow peppers (with plenty of garlic) and the last centimetres of the chilled rosé and vin rouge.
   Time to go home.

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