Thursday, June 2, 2011

And then we ate...(miscellaneous Céret food vignettes)

   To be honest, I initially called this post  "miscellaneous Céret food stuff" but doesn't "vignettes" sound un peu posher? What it boils down to are some food moments that didn't seem to fit in the cherry festival post.

Sunday, the town was even more packed than it had been on Saturday. Every single café was jammed.  We hung around eyeing groups who appeared to be finishing up their coffees but even giving them the evil eye didn't work--"move, you spawn of Satan"--we couldn't land a table anywhere. In the end we bought a ficelle from a boulangerie that, miracle of miracles, was still open, picked up this delicious little pear-shaped goat cheese at one of the street stalls and ate apricots that a vendor had given to Peter as a "cadeau" to make up for parking their van in front of the scene he was sketching. A couple of rousquilles for dessert.

Doughnut shaped, light and crumbly, these little cakes are a Catalan specialty....that's icing sugar on top and, you're right, they're sweet enough to make your teeth squeak.

Needless to say, the cherry variety was one of the first to sell out.

Both nights, we ate in this enchanting little square. The first night, we settled into the restaurant you can see just to the right of the fountain. One order of steak frites, one order of lamb chops frites.

Here's the same scene by day. Now you have to imagine live, light jazz as the background music.

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