Sunday, November 21, 2010

Greens are good for you.

    At Friday's market in Lavelanet, I bought a huge bunch of radishes. These are the French long variety that always come with an enormous cockade of leaves attached. At the back of my mind, I know these greens are edible but I'd never got around to cooking them before.
    Radish greenery seems to turn yellow at alarming speed so, Friday afternoon, I chopped off the leaves, washed and dried them, and stored them in a plastic bag in the fridge.
   Last night, I cooked a couple of finely chopped cloves of garlic in some olive oil in a frying pan. Once they'd softened, I added the chopped greens, a smidgen of water and put on the lid. Like all greens, teh radish variety cooks down considerably. The whole bunch was just enough for the two of us, along with Puy lentils cooked with carrots, onions, garlic and a bay leaf, a length of saucisse de Toulouse from the butcher in Laroque d'Olmes (who will one day get a post all of his own) and grainy Dijon mustard.

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