Wednesday, May 26, 2010

A day at the seaside...

     On a cloudy Sunday, my sister Hilary drove us to the Suffolk coast with a short stop at Walberswick for a coffee. By the time we arrived at Southwold, raindrops were spattering the windscreen.
     I LOVE Southwold because it's the absolute essence of English seaside places. Lining the front are traditional seaside huts painted in bright and different colours. A long pier protrudes from the beach. The sand and pebbles are held in place by "groynes," which, on chilly summer days, act as handy windbreaks. 
     The rain poured down so we are our picnic in the car. Then we walked to the end of the pier, checked out the amusement arcade and wondered if the landmass we could just make out in the distance was, in fact, the Netherlands (somewhat confusing the junior member of the party who got very excited when she thought we could see "Neverland"). Then the sun came out so we walked into the town of Southwold which is pretty almost to the point of tweeness but not quite. Then we went home and later went out for fish and chips. In other words, a very traditional English Sunday. 

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