Monday, September 22, 2008

The Transhumance: Part 3--All Singing, All Dancing...

All lunches like this have a star entertainer. Today's was Sylvain avec son orgue de barbarie. He'd welcomed everyone into the village for the event and you had to have a soul of iron not to get goose bumps when you hear someone playing "Under the Bridges of Paris with you" or "sous les ponts de Paris" as we say locally. 

Once we had all sat down for lunch, Sylvain climbed up on stage with his orgue de barbarie and played throughout the meal. He put his heart and soul into every song, and his sweat. When he took off that rather attractive cap, his hair was pasted on to his forehead like strands of black licorice. 

At any meal like this, there are songs you sing along with without actually knowing the words. One woman there knew words to all kinds of songs and, when someone took the microphone over to her, dazzled us all with her truly remarkable voice.

Late in  the afternoon, people started dancing... and then someone pulled back the sides of the tent--we all blinked in the sudden deluge of sunshine--and we had a display by the local majorettes. 

Who really deserve their own post. 

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